To see if 'Coalition' is a good idea, we need to extrapolate.
1) Tories and Labour will NOT go into a colation together. 2) That leaves the Liberals as a coalition party with one of the other two. 3) The Libs are making Proportional Representation at the NEXT election a requirement of to join a coalition: Therefore, if they DO get in, we get PR....... 4) If the next election is by PR, we will get approx THIRTY BNP MPs...... becasue that's roughly their current 'share' of the vote.....
If THAT election is close, then it won't be the Libs who hold the power to make of break a coalition it'll be one (or more) of the SMALLER parties..... and ONE of THOSE will be........ the BNP.....
What will the BNP make as a 'requirement' to join the coalition.........? Look around you, the small parties KNOW they can 'lever' the change that they 'want' onto a govt because the large party NEEDS them and they 'sell' their votes VERY hard!
If you doubt me, just go and LOOK at the history of Israel's parliament for the past 50 years. Then check out Italy, Portugual, Austria and Belgium, etc., etc., and see how much POWER the right wing NUTTERS can wield.....
Italy has had SIXTY new governments since 1945..... not far off 1 a YEAR...... Do you FANCY an election every year......?