Sorry old son, some of us DID!
What was the signal that it would all go wrong? When building societies and Banks started giving OVER 100% mortgages!
How did 'we' know that was the sign? Because it's preceded EVERY recession that I have seen!
Was it the CAUSE of the recession? Well.... that's complex.... this time, it wasn't the 100% plus mortgages themselves which did it, it was the ATTITUDE where finance institutions began to lose financial SENSE! However, the depth of the UK recession WILL be based on those over-100%-mortgages! OIt's my view (and that of many others) that the REAL recession in the UK starts AFTER the election and the MONTROUS amounts of borrowing that has occurred against the 'supposed' value of houses will suddenly become starkly available!
Warren buffet put it SPECTACULARLY well! He said:-
"When the tide goes out, you can see who was swimming naked......"
The tide is on the turn right NOW!
Oh..... and I sincerely hope that I am MASSIVELLY WRONG on this one and that we about to return to the sunny uplands of prosperity! I just KNOW that we AREN'T!