The Bank used OUR money to buy assets that were worth a FRACTION of what they paid for them. They gave that money to all sorts of builders and house owners who SPENT it on the usual stuff like cars, holidays, wine, big TVs etc..
That was OK while the assets against which the money was secured were WORTH the money. Everytbody NOW realizes that the assets are JUNK.
Now.... if just a FEW people say to the banks: 'we want the money we lent you BACK...'..... the bank goes BANKRUPT INSTANTLY. That's what happoend with Northern Rock. The public wanted the money BACK and there WASN'T any!
The money we have LENT the banks HAS to be kept IN the banks so that they CAN afford to pay the money back IF anyone wants it. Be honest, would YOU leave YOUR money in the bank if YOU thought they couldn't pay it BACK? This whole thing started when they became UNABLE to pay it back. If they started lending it again.... we;d be back where we STARTED..... thye money HAS TO REMAIN IN THE BANKS.... or you and I will want ourt money OUT!
I know it's a paradox.... while the money is IN the bank, no one wants it OUT.....but.... as soon as it's NOT there..... we will KILL to get it OUT! That doesn't stop it being absolutely DEAD RIGHT, though!