Are you suggesting that you'd be happy is Speed Cameras were set up in Pedestrianised streets..... just so THEY can 'watch everybody'....?
Speed cameras DON'T watch ALL drivers..... all those on the TRACK who don't drive to a meeting ARE drivers but THEY aren't watched!
All those drivers who DON'T use roads with speed cameras aren't watched by them.
Not EVERYBODY USES airports so we are NOT all covered by 'security checks'! Just like DRIVERS.... only those who DO chose to drive are 'watched'! Just like it's only those who CHOOSE to fly who suffer security checks!
......and so on with ALL your failed attempts to prove the reverse.
This really IS an example of you trying to find SOMETHING to whine about!
However, let's take it closer to a driver, I have to PARK legally and I also have to display a Tax Disk. I am NOT a person who breaks EITHER of those laws and yet...... it's ME whom the Traffic Wardens check! In EXACTLY what ways is that DIFFERENT to the situation with those drivers who DO drive within the speeding laws are SIMILARLY checked for speed-compliance....? which is what you CLAIM to find ojectionable!
This line of argument is COMPLETELY FLAWED and you are wasting our time with it!
MANY (and possibly MOST) laws are enforced by checking that EVERYONE complies and dealing with those who DON'T comply. From illegal parking, to tax evasion, from shoplifting to drug dealing.... the forces opf law enforcement check us ALL to catch only those who ARE breaking the laws! That is EXACTLY what is happening with speed cameras.... they ONLY 'strike' the LAW BREAKERS! And a damned GOOD job TOO!!