Now try the NEXT step....
You feel it's OK to break the law on speeding, for example, at the end of a Crawler Lane when overtaking. Ok... I understand what you are saying...
..... but do YOU?
You are saying that there ARE circumstances where YOU can decide to break the law. You can whose WHICH law and WHEN. We agree on that, don't we? That IS E*X*A*C*T*L*Y what you are saying!??? Isn't it!
Ok.... you chose WHICH law you can break and you defend that position....
Alright.... so... how about if **I** decide which laws that **I** can choose to obey or not...? How about if **I** claim YOUR right to ignore... let's say.... the DRINK DRIVING laws.... or the Anti Mugging laws? Or the TERRORIST laws. Morally, that puts me into the IDENTICAL position to YOU.... I choose to break the law that **I** choose.... just like you.
Now, you MIGHT say that Terrorism KILLS people...... oh really.....? Last year, UK terrorists managed to kill...... how many? Two? 1? NONE?. Even in a TERRIBLE year, they have only managed 30 or so..... However, even QoT *Dave) will agree that SPEEDING motorists kil FIFTY a year..... that's daft of course,m the figure is WELL over 1000 but...... 50 will DO to show my point here! Using Dave's argument, even the driving over drink driving limits does NOT CAUSE deaths ..... breaking some OTHER law is what kills people..... the drink NEVER does..... it's driving badly WHILE drunk that kills people.... not the drink ITSELF!
Now..... thinking in 'concepts' only..... Why DO you feel that YOU should be able to choose which laws YOU obey but think that I should NOT be allowed the SAME CHOICE of which laws **I** am allowed to break?
Remember, the answer you give HAS to show why YOU should be allowed to choose which laws you break and that I shouldn't be allowed to choose! To make it easier for you, I'll PICK a law I'd like to break.... it's NOT terrorism nor mugging..... I'll choose the laws covering VAT collection.... The one **I** choose will NOT involve ANY deaths or injuries.... I just DON'T want to go to prison if I don't pay my VAT.....
So.... your reply will tell me why YOU should be allowed to break a law that MIGHT lead to deaths or injuries but why I CANNOT choose to break a law that will cause NO injuries whatsoever.
That's your mission.... should you choose to accept it.... this message will self destruct....... (tee hee)