I'll accept the first 'correction' as it is EXACTLY what I said that YOU said.... unless you wish to split hairs. I chose the number '50' becasue it was a number with which even YOU seemed happy.
The second correction is BIZARRE...
Ok... EXPLAIN how drink CAUSES accidents.... when it DOESN'T but that SPEED ALONE in certain circumstamces DOESN'T when it BLATANTLY DOES! (Look up my PERFECT example of the Harston Police Death!)
However, whatEVER your answer, I was using the DD example as a parallel.... not an IDENTICAL... as it fits PERFECTLY.
It's now up to you to explain how DRINK causes road deaths when, using the SAME arguments, I could not IDENTICALLY prove that SPEED causes accidents. Do NOT make simple bold statements like 'speed doesn't kill'.... and 'drink kills' explain HOW those two differ.