No.... the data on KSI is easy to find. It clearly shows that, since cameras were first installed, there has been a SUBSTANTIAL reduction in KSIs overall and a MUCH larger reduction in the places where the ARE cameras! .
However, it's the interpretation that's tougher.
The figures also show an INCREASE in overall speeding where there are NO cameras. I have the figures for my own village as a clear demonstration of that. During the last 6 years over the SAME piece of road which has had NO changes in layout or signage, the speed average has RISEN by 2mph. The thing called the 85 percentile (roughly, the average of the fastest 15%)has risen by NINE MPH (this is in a 30mph limit....... think about that.......!)
So.... even though people are driving FASTER on other bits of road, the reduction in KSIs near cameras has over-ridden that increase..... but..... how do I PROVE it's not, for example, becasue there has been a MASSIVE reduction in the number of 17, 18 and 19 year old drivers and THAT may have reduced the average (actually, that one is EASY.... that age group has shown a HUGE increase in KSIs even though there are LESS of them!)
So.... by almost ANY measure, Cameras have (probably) REDUCED road deaths..... but only where the cameras are.... (what a surprise!). Where they 'aren't' then that increase in speed has NOT overwhelmed the 'camera effect'.
However, were we to HIDE the cameras so no one could TELL where they are..... the camera effect would LEAP with only a microscopic increase in installation costs!
But..... the Tories look as though they (er.... we....) will BLOCK that move.... and people will DIE because of thnat decision.......