Oh Christ.... the old 'Regression to the Mean' excuse.....
So.... tell me EXACTLY how that works on the A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon road which replaced an already partially effective set of Gatsos (which were ALREADY demonstarting the effect which was WRONGLY labelled as being casued by 'RGtM'), with a full set of Specs in 16 locations which have shown a FURTHER reduction of EIGHTY THREE PERCENT IN DEATHS.....
If you were RIGHT, then the effect of RGtM could not POSSIBLY have been 'in play' for the Specs because the 'RGtM argument' implies that the INITIAL figures are artificially HIGH whereas they were ALREADY L*O*W*E*R than the average for this road WIITHOUT cameras!!!!!!
As usual, this is one of those complete HOAXES of which the public have heard mention and certain people have LEAPED onto it, hoping to prove a point which they have already LOST with no CLUE about it's meaning!
If you'd even considered the MEANING of RGtM then you would have realised that, if it 'works' for the speeding example, it ALSO gooes to show that the Polio vaccinations did NOT reduce the number of cases of Polio..... it was JUST RGtM.... as was the effects of the Small Pox Vaccinations, the Rubella ones, the reduction in deaths brought about in smoking reductions and...... most appropriately..... DRINK DRIVING DEATHS!
If you WERE right about RGtM then I will use your EXACT argument (as usual, with no proof or evidence WHATSOEVER..... just like YOU!) that the ONLY reason that DD laws have reduced deaths on the road was because the statistical improvements were ONLY produced by RGtM....... I have EXACTLY the same amount of 'proof' that YOU do for such a LUDICROUS claim!