Of.... for god SAKE Michael.....
Look..... it's SIMPLE to TOTAL money taken by the Politicians taht has been OBJECTEED too was ONE MILLION POUNDS.....
The ENQUIRY on the mater has cost ONE POINT FOUR MILLION POUNDS.....
The enquire cost more than the 'THEFT'! The sums aare TRIVAL.... MICROSCOPIC.... PATHETIC.....!
Bertie Ahern (Eire) took ONE MILLION QUID IN A SINGLE BRIBE!!!!!!
Stop focusing on the PALTRY sums and get your head round the BIG stuff!
Secondly, when YOU start arguing that you'll get BETTER drivers/footballers/pop-stars/TV-TW*TS when you pay them LESS then I'll startr to beleive that you think you'll get BETTER MPs iof you pay them LESS!
MPS get SIXTY THOUSAND..... and that's NOTHING today! Most of the MPs could earn TREBLE that simply by running a COUNCIL!!!! Alan Duncan was an OIL TRADER before he joined the house; VAST numbers of others were BARRISTERS and JOURNALISTS, Ad. Men, PR consultants.... who all would have earned VASTLY MORE if the had NOT become MPs...... Get it into your head once and for all..... only those who CANNOT get a good job become MPs FOR THE MONEY..... the rest take a P*A*Y C*U*T to become MPs.....
Give me STRENGTH......
You are focusing on the SMALL picture the sums we are talking about are HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS TIMES LARGER...... you are worrying about a hole in your trousaer pocket letting CHANGE out when you have left the front door to your BANK open!!!!!!!!