Tripe, David..... there are such VAST numbers of the VOLUNTARILY unemployed... whether they are pretending to be 'diasbled' or not..... that it actually is a GIGANTIC drain on our money.
I am sensitive about personal situations and I am ONLY referring to those who are V*O*L*U*N*T*A*R*I*L*Y unemployed! I am fully aware that there are MANY who did not CHOOSE this situation and are NOT enjoying it! However, there are many who are WALLOWING in it...... and I don't feel that our 'state' owes them a PENNY! By all means, let them NOT work if they choose that..... but I am NOT willing to PAY for their scrounging!
You and I both know some people who CHOOSE not to get jobs when they are offered and/or choose to lose their jobs when they are actually required to get into the dull-repetition of ALL work!
The current UK rate is about 8% (of those eligible). The numbers (I believe) are around 2.7 MILLION people. That does NOT include those who are claiming to be 'disabled or ill' when they are not.
How would I deal with those? I'd privatise the task of searching for the real 'scroungers' paying (effectively) 'bounty hunters' who would get a 'share' of the money saved by the state.
I'd then make it that for 'long term' unemployed (let's guess: 6 months), if they refuse 3 acceptable jobs, the benefit is cut by half and then eliminated altogether if they refuse or willingly 'chuck their job' after 10 refusals or 'chucks'.
We simply cannopt afford to support that VAST rank of ex-students (for example) who have a DAFT degree and are waiting for the 'perfect job in the media' while making NO effort to GET one simply becasue they can afford to survive, tolerably, on state hand-outs!
State-aid to the unemployed should be ONLY for those who TRULY cannot get a job..... not those who CHOOSE not to get a job!