"learn .... how to plaster, plumb and electrocute..."....
Errr.... no..... don't learn how to 'electrocute....'....!
Well, THAT's novel...... a new house that's built PROPERLY and doesn't NEED fixing...... You don't see many of THOSE about.... (I used to be an estate agent and sold estates for small AND large builders..... not many we even ACCEPTABLE... let alone well built!)
You are right.... mine is 14th or 15th Century.... however, I have owned OTHER much newer houses and worked on ALL of them.
But..... despite ALL our disagreements in the past..... I truly hope that you WILL make it and that you'll make a SUCCESS of it...
The 'victory' goes to those who have the BALLS and the GUMPTION to go out and WIN! You CAN do it!