I hear this so often from Mac users that Macs are better than PC's but those that think so never have an actual good or valid reason as to why. Some will even say they are better because they are more expensive than PC's so they must be better, that sounds like people who never grew up from school playground talk.
there is of course the old 'my mac will never get a virus' idealism too. want to know why? because if your a virus writer, you want it to cause as wide spread damage as possible. how do you do that? by writing it for the most popular platform (windows). if apple had the market share that windows has, macs would have just as many viruses targeted at them that windows pc's do today.
Many Macs are bought because they are seen as a 'cool' fashion accessory, just like the iphone and now the ipad (which is honestly the biggest waste of money around).
has anyone tried using a web site with flash on it on their iphone or ipad and seeing what happens, thats right, it doesnt work! why? because apple DOESNT WANT IT TO!
im not completely anti-apple. i have an ipod touch and think its a brilliant piece of kit. however, why can i not get a spare battery and replace it myself (like i can do with virtually any other portable electronic device)? why, if the battery fails does it have to be sent to apply to be 'repaired'? same with the iphone and probably the ipad too.
the problem is that theres so many people who will simply purchase anything with the apple logo on it. they could release the new 'Apple Empty box' and people would still but it and say its better than any other empty box on the market because it cost more.