Find which version of IE you are using. Launch IE and find the 'help' button (the white-on-blue 'question mark') and select 'properties'. You'll see the version number, there.
If you can't launch IE then the problem is NOT with UK karting, it's your PC......
More often than not, it will be your firewall (AVG, Panda, Kapsersky, etc.) or it will be some DAFT 'bolt-on' menu added to your copy of I.E. (google task bar, yahho-task bar etc., etc..) or some non-propriety 'accelerator' or 'enhancement'.
Disable all of those that you can until you find which one 'releases' the problem.
Ifd that doesn't help, come back to us....
Here...... how are you POSTING messages to UKK if you launch SEE UKK.......?
Try installing Google Chrome and launching UKK from that.