I liked the threat.... 'being torn limb from limb'.....
What... you mean exactly like bikers did when all the OTHER lethal tracks were closed.....? Like they did when HELMETS were made compulsory?
Bullies have never scared me!
So.... go all the way, Rich! Just call for those old F1 races to be re-instated and, while you are about it, return it to the way it USED to be with no seat belts...... and of course, you won't object to me re-starting Gladiatorial Combat...... I'd be much more frightened of Gladiators getting cross with me if I continued to ban THEIR..... er.... 'sport'...
Yes..... there ARE things which are TOO dangerous to let everyone make their OWN choices 'for their own good' or why HAVE we banned Motorcycling on the road without Helmets...... I suppose YOU think that hat-less riding SHOULD be allowed..... or are YOU a 'nanny state' man too?