The things they will try to fob off the gullible with........
I bit the bullet about 6 weeks ago and went Android with the HTC desire, but prior to that, for the two years previously, I had an iphone.
Where I live, I have generally, over the years, had reception problems, because of the geography, I assume. I have tried every provider, and it has been pretty much the same with them all, including the iphone, which was pretty awful, calls constantly breaking up, or cutting out altogether, texts reaching their destinations sometimes a couple of hours after sending (and some of them were time sensitive) and, with my iphone, it seemed to be in a variety of places, usually indoors, not just at home.
I contacted apple customer services quite a few times and got a different answer every time, changed my difference.
Anyway, with a little trepidation, at the end of my contract, I decided to ditch o2 and take on a contract for an HTC desire with three.
Hey presto.....problems have disappeared, reception is fine, no more breaking up, texts are despatched instantly.
I`m not necessarily blaming the iphone for these previous problems, because it was always pretty bad, I had a Nokia N95 prior to that and that wasn`t great either, although not as bad as the iphone.......
Maybe 3 is just a far better signal, I don`t know, either that or the HTC is simply a far better phone.