Oh DavyBoy, I can't believe all the drivel you are spouting!! You obviously have some kind of personal beef with the Police and want to tar all Police Officers with the same brush. You have obviously NO idea of what is and has been going on behind the scenes, and recent events show that they were searching in the correct area, despite being thwarted by caves etc. The Police in this country do, on the whole, a fantastic job with scant resources, and most of them, from constable to commissioner, are very intelligent, extremely astute and totally dedicated to keeping clutts like you safe!!! All professions have a few bad eggs, and the Police do weed these out. It is always easy to sit in your armchair and criticise what you see without knowing the full facts. Of course the area would be flooded with armed Police - what else would you expect? And to try to equate that to a murder in London.... where were the immediate threats there to any other member of public or the Police? (who are, by the way, also 'citizens') RESPECT to the many thousands of UNARMED Police officers who do their duty every day, and even greater respect to those who are willing to take up arms despite the PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for their actions that they take on with the role.