I'd probably ban footbal shirts too..... you cannot beleive how much LOATHE football and it's supporters.....
You already know you failed to byepass the key point.... the wearing of a tie or a football shirt is NOTHING to do with claims of 'moral superiority', whereas that is EXACTLY the PURPOSE behind a Burkha, Turban, Mitre, Dog Collar! And THAT'S the reason why they should be banned. In my opinion, those religiious symbols are intended to 'agrandize' the wearer and DENIGRATE those who don't wear them. If it's 'insulting' for me to blaspheme about one religion or another, then it should ALSO be illegal for 'symbol wearers' to INSULT my 'religious' certain knowledge that there IS no good god!
My lack of belief is every BIT as 'certain' as any religious person's belief in THEIR god.... the difference is that I have the PROOF and it requires no 'belief' or 'faith' to excercise/demonstrate MY proof!! It only requires a logical and REASONABLE mind!