I see..... so the way you count a company's profitability is to take the number of items they sell and multiply THAT by the profit on each item...... is it.....?
Clearly, Paul, you know S*D ALL about running a business.... I could give you chapter and verse on the subject but I'll try to deal with it in a way that you have the IQ to handle.....
You have forgotten just ONE small matter.... and it's called: C*O*S*T*S.
In the case of Speed Cameras, the costs are on multiple levels. The cost of buying the items is HUGE..... to buy a Gatso is �40,000, to buy a single set of SPECS is around �100,000 and then there's the PROCESSING of the fines.
Howoever, those are NOT the most significant costs. The REAL costs are the ones you HADN'T even thought of.....
Those fines that go unopposed ARE 'profitable' .... and SUBSTANTIALLY so....
The bit you HAVEN'T thought of are those which go CHALLENGED! Yes.... the 'defendant' DOES pay 'court costs' if he loses BUT usually, court costs are levels at about �35 to �55 per case......
However..... the ACTUAL costs of the court cases tends to come out between the THOUSANDS and the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS per case if you price it HONESTLY....
The numbers of people contesting their fines controls whether speed cameras ARE 'profitable' or not. Becausee I know the figures through 'privileged' information and these figures are 'commercially sensitive' I am unable to go any deeper into those ACTUAL costs but, it turns out that the REAL 'profitability' is on a commercial 'knife edge': should there be an increase in people contesting their fines, the figures go NEGATIVE....
..... but.... of course..... you, Paul, are in the Clarkson-Litlejohn mould of moron who would find such ideas and subjects WAY beyond their 'pay scale'.
However, I would have thought even a MORON would be able to notice that the scheme is being reduced OSTENSIBLY, to REDUCE COSTS. Doesn't that give even YOU the slight suspicion that cameras are NOT (repeat.... N*O*T) as profitable as you and the REST of the utter CRETINS have been claiming all these years....?
Of course...... there is another option......
A 'consortium' was created a few years ago to run 'speed enforcement' on a PRIVATISED basis in the same way that some 'parking enforcement' was privatised MANY years ago.... We are STLL here and we are negotiating more actively under the new Govt. than with the old.......
Swindon will be interesting.......