Oh.... I see.... someone who is SO uninformed about 'business' is actually an MD..... good luck with THAT business..... you'll NEED it! You won't mind if I don't offer to invest in it, do you?
Ok.... bright boy..... which part of goverment has CUT the funding for the cameras.... was it Swindon Council.... or was it the NATIONAL GOVERNMENT (whom YOU call 'Westminster') who CUT the funding OF Swindon (and other) Council(s)......?
And if it was 'Westminster' who has CUT the funding and Councils start removing the cameras.... who IS it who'll be losing the 'VAST PROFITS' that imbeciles like YOURSELF have been claiming. Remember, YOU are the one who just 'reminded' me that the 'profits' go to 'Westminster'!
It's no surprise that you don't really GET this stuff, is it?