'it would almost certainly mean more overtaking, which is what everyone wants'
Well that's nice of you to assume what EVERYONE wants... but I know I would just like for their to be more overtaking opportunities, rather than actual moves. I don't really enjoy NASCAR because overtaking becomes meaningless when there's 5 moves a lap etc. I want to see a driver really work for the overtake as well, so not allowing defensive driving is just mental, you might as well just send it up the inside of someone, knowing that they can do nothing about it!
' It's time F1 realised this, who cares, who is really faster?'
Me. You may prefer it to become choreographed, but I'd like to think that the audience who watch F1 are just slightly more intelligent than the ones who enjoy watching WWF.
It's the same story time after time, and it's been like it for years... after a cr*p or controversial GP people will bi**h and moan, and after a cracking race (of which we've had many this year) everyone will sing F1's praises. Go watch WWF if you want your choreographed sport, watch BTCC if you like to see full contact Motorsport, watch MotoGP if you want to see proper racing, and watch F1 if you enjoy the politics and the occasional on track battle on a Sunday afternoon.... the same as it's always been! 600 Million people don't tune into every GP for no reason!