Itpro, not wanting to argue for the sake of arguing, but most of your points against speed limiters in your prior post are equally applicable to speed cameras (i.e. they can be avoided by using false number plates). There are only really two points you have made that I think are valid (or at least, couldn't be equally applied to cameras):
1) What to do if the system fails. The answers (options) are fairly easy but the consequences not so much. The safest would be for the system to warn the driver that it has failed and no longer apply a limit but electronic systems don't often fail "nicely" and building redundancy into a system is expensive.
2) The likely initial cost and who foots the bill, especially because we would be first adopters (always expensive). The problem being that the system would really have to be throughout the country from the day it switched on (even if limited to certain road types like motorways).
These issues aren't by any means insurmountable, but I feel they are the potential show stoppers for any system that may appear on the market, if they're not correctly addressed.
Lastly, and out of interest only, I'm aware you are from the Cambridge area and are obviously aware of the SPECS cameras on the A14 and are involved in road safety. As such you may know if it was true that the SPECS cameras initially failed to average the speed of vehicles that had changed lanes?