Ask yourselves the questions, lads:-
1) We think this/that/or the other is naughty in BTCC/Ginetta and 'something should be done'! But how can Ian suggest that WE should change the way WE drive? I mean..... we have been doing it for YEARS!
2) BTCC/Ginetta drivers should be banned for doing XYZ...... but we karters should be ALLOWED to continue CHEATING MERCILESSLY (e.g., Kerbs and Contact)!
This is the very BASIS of 'Zero Tolerance'. If you allow infingements in 'lesser' classes..... it WILL continue right up THROUGH the rest of racing!
If you want to get rid of bad-behaviour in the 6th form at school..... it HAS to start in the Kindergarten (and before).
Think about the concept of FOUNDATIONS!