No, old son, you are a NOT a moron and a cretin BECAUSE I called you one...... it's the other way round..... I called you both of those names BECAUSE they FIT you..... perfectly!
You have this SPECTACULAR idea that you are some didactic catalyst (go and look them UP) whose 'brilliance' will make us all THINK...... What a LAUGH! You are just a silly little lad with DELUSIONS of GRANDEUR! Your 'grand ideas' are simply trite CLICHEs and, instead of 'shining a spotlight' on a subject..... you have caught yourself in searchlight which shows us quite how NAKED of idea you REALLY are!
....but...... just for the fun of it, let's test you again, knowing that it will show up your 'argument' FOR bull fighting for the FARCE that it is. I'll do it (again) by using your OWN WORDS and applying them to other cases.
Just for YOU, I'll explain how this works. I am going to put forward OTHER 'traditions' that not even YOU could support..... however, I will use your MINDLESS (pro Bullfighting) argument to 'prove the point' thus showing that the PREMISE of your argument is UTTERLY without foundation becasue not even YOU are stupid enough to apply it to THESE, SIMILAR subjects:
How about: * Hare Coursing * Bear Baiting * Dog fighting * Cock Fighting ......
...... and Gladiatorial Combat?
.... because, in EACH of those cases, I COULD apply your 'argument':-
"yes its a bit of an anachronism now and has been used as a policital tool in the north [of England....?] but thats no reason not to respect the views of the people that pay to watch"
I see...... BECAUSE I must not disrespect the views of people who WATCH, hare coursing, bear baiting, dog figting and even Gladiatorial COMBAT.....YOU and I have to support THOSE TOO, do we?
.... please note..... I've only said these things 'to make Y*O*U think'...... for a change!
Oh.... and don't tell me off for being rude to you simply becasue you must NOT disrepect my views about the tradition of 'idiot baiting'!
Tee hee.... what fun