Yup..... it's the problem of trying to explain a complex world to some people!
I fully understand your comment, Rene, and I can see EXACTLY 'where you are coming from' (a term I HATE!). The problem is that, to make such comments, you need to explain the background so fully to some people that it's questionable if it's worthwhile. However, how do we explain ourselves and the world if we DON'T make the attempt.
Post MORE often.... it needs wise old heads (or just OLD head) sometimes..... no matter how much 'stick' we get for it!
All Rene was trying to say was that we seem to be EXTREMELY rapid in our wish to state 'negative' things in karting. Here's a way of looking at his point:-
Ask yourselves if Tesco's PR dept. would have posted a message:-
'Man Dies Pushing Trolley in Tesco'
... if it had happened to them. Then ask yourselves WHY they would not have posted such a message. If you can see why Tescos would consider that post as 'bad PR', then, hopefully, you'll see what Rene is saying.
I suspect that, IF Tesco were forced to post a comment, it would read:-
"Tesco staff do all they can to save heart attack victim"
....that carries as MUCH better 'spin' than:
"Shopper killed in Tesco"