simple really....cant be ar$ed to read the long winded questions, my stance on immigration is simple, its a bit like the aussie way, if you have something to offer to the country you are welcome to be here, if all you are doing is bringing 6 kids along to live on benefits, then your not welcome, if you come across you should respect our customs and traditions. i dont see why the uk should dilute its own customs and traditions for the sake of immigrants.
let me put it another way....if you immigrated to india, pakistan or iraq, would you go prancing down the street with a huge cross on your hat proclaiming your catholic, or a massive rainbow flag cos your gay, let your missus wear a skirt NO!!!!!...because if you did youd be hung, shot or put in prison!!..WHY!!!..because if you go over there you have to abide by their customs and traditions!