Paul.... I've stayed out of this for quite a while but it's time it was summed-up for you.
This is NOT the opening point of a 'discussion'; it's a STATEMENT. While writing this, I know that you are too thick to let it DROP at this point but I am, genuinely, unlikely to reply to you anticipated excuses......
1) I do not like racist language, either: most of us don't. 2) There are DEGREES of racism starting with the Ku Klux Klan all the way through to 'positive discrimination' in the 'other' direction. All the grades, from the top to the bottom, ARE 'racism' even if, sometimes, they are disguised by another name. 3) The joke copied by Newshound was somewhere ON that scale. 4) Many of us can see that the extreme ends of the scale are VASTLY worse than stuff around the middle. 5) Claiming that the 'mild' stuff is as equally deserving of WILD ABUSE and shouts of 'Racist' by you makes YOU look stupid and damages your (possibly: OUR) point! It's like calling Nick Clegg a 'Nazi' when he is part of a Conservative/Liberal govt.. It completely OBLITERATES the truth and allows any 'point' to be swamped by conversations about WHY NONE of our politicians are Nazis!
You are like my mother: if it's lightly drizzling, she tells us that it's 'POURING with rain'! It leaves her with no further room to discuss a decent TORRENT and makes her information about the weather utterly USELESS to any of us who want to know the DETAILS of the weather.
Try NOT to be like my Mum: use English PROPORTIONATELY! Save the 'big calibre' word of 'racist' for REAL racists.... of which there are VASTLY too many!