" what is the proportionate english word for " just a bit racist "? "
How about..... 'being human'....?
If you thought for a second, you'd understand WHY we have the 'our-tribe/their-tribe' concept 'hard-wired' into us. Just like Jealousy, Greed, laughing at OTHER people falling on banana skins, Fear of heights, etc., and a myriad of OTHER 'failings'.
It becomes 'racist' when you ACT upon your irrational 'fear' of other tribes. It is civilisation and education that allows us to AVOID acting on jealousy, greed, and 'tribalism' even if those STANDARD human reactions are still there!
You really should start THINKING about the meaning of the word 'racist' and only using it when it MEANS something. You, too, sound like my mum......
Perhaps you really ARE SO 'civilised' and 'educated' that you are now Jesus and don't have a single 'base motive' left. Perhaps you are never greedy, jealous, laugh ot other people's misfortunes..... the rest of us may well COVER our 'sub-concious' drives and never SHOW our jealousy, etc....... but those reactions are STILL THERE in most of us.... even if we DO despise them and WILL NOT ACT upon them no matter what our baser-selves suggest!
So, if you ARE the new 'Jesus', perhaps I should remind you of what you are quoted as saying, previously, on the subject:-
John, chapter 8, verse 7
"...He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone ......"?