Again, I have to ask.... which do you admire most: B*LLS or Brains? I am a 'brains' man.... I worry about people who rate 'B*LLS' above brains....
Assuming you rate the bikers B*LLS above the F1 drivers brains.... wouldn't that imply that you might rate someone doing 'tomb-stoning' more highly than the Bike racers.... Or could it be that what YOU call B*LLS in bikers... many of us see as the same 'stupidity' we see in 'tomb-stoners'?
I just can't find the line where tomb-stoner's stupidity becomes 'biker's B*LLS' along that 'scale' of brave/risky/stupid/MINDLESS behaviour continuum.
Being fair, non-motor-racing-entusiasts members of the public see what I would see as F1-driver's-brains as 'stupidity', too!
As we said, each to their own!