While researching a mathematical question on 'sharing camels' (don't ask!....) I ran into this:-
I offer it to you for your perusal with NO (zero) comment.
I thought I ought to share my sense of wonder at the thoughts of religious people:-
At least I now know that a Cow or Camel is 7 times the size of a sheep......
To please the 'politically correct', I also think you should know that the old testament encourages me to stone any of you to death if you are wearing two items of clothing made of different materials. If you are wearing cotton and wool, or Nylon and polyester, or denim and linen, etc........ keep WELL away from gravel pits, mines or quaries where there is plenty of 'ammunition' for me. It also tells me I CAN own slaves, so long as they are foreigners..... so I AM entitled to enslave a Welshman but not a Jordy.......