I think the lads that own the kart should get this extra tensioner as they do 4.5 hr enduros. when we got the kart back to the pits, we took the cover off and found that the belt had been torn apart/snapped, but the top pully had some small marks on it, so it may well have been a stone, as you said. at the bottom of the cover there is a gap where you could see the belt, just small enough for a stone to get in. what is it there for and is it ok to cover up? also when the belt goes does it ruin the valves like most cars or is it a "safe engine" (he asks hopefully). although as i said it wasn't my kart , i'm asking this stuff as the chaps that own it are very new to karting and dont know where to get good info, also i was so taken with it i will get one but broken belts arnt what we want, thanks ,Graham