Hang on.... I don't think he had any 'Option' (soft) sets LEFT.... he could NOT have chosen anything other than 'Primes'.
Secondly, Whitmarsh has told journalists that Hamilton was told NOT to come in by the team but that he over-rode that decision. They had enough sense to know that they can't PREVENT him coming into the pits whenever he chooses so that had the only type of tyres available to him when he arrived.
This one IS down to Lewis and it seems to have been a BAD call. The team did everything THEY could for him......
Perhaps we are seeing the effect on the difference between Jenson's smoother (but slower on a single lap) style of driving when compared to Lewis's. This 'Jenson-advantag'e has been discussed and predicted often enough. Perhaps Lewis finally saw how Jenson CAN be faster than him over a whole race..... and that did NOT please him one FRACTION!