1) i totally agree. so the adequately trained individual should be able to allow for this. accidents will always happen
2) i totally agree in general. so the adequately trained individual should be able to allow for this. mechanical failures will always happen to some degree
3) I totally agree with the equal speeds thing. making roads more like mways is the way to go. few people slow to pass an on-coming vehicle on a 60 road!
4) thats the laws of physics for you.
5) totally agree. shame you get such a huge variance on mways, and im talking sub 70mph.
6) and this is the huge problem. the economy doesnt work. apply more band aid!
7) i think its up to the driver to look after pedestrians
8) speed limits will ever stop this. tamper proof monitoring would be the only way.
9) go for it
answer: like you said, the economy depends on travel. in general the faster you can do this the better. anyone that invents teleportation will rule the world.
why should you have to stick to 40 on a perfect day with nothing else on the road (cars, people, animals...). and if you are doing 48mph you get points and a fine. meanwhile some idiot is driving at 38 in a 30 passed a school at leaving time and get no penalty.
in the current situation, yes we do need speed limits but its pretty criminal to cite speed as a killer as it certainly is not and never will be.