I wouldn't want to read anything into your refusal to take the bet......
Odd really..... I'm the one who has been involved with Gatsos for.... a few years now, I'm the one who has had his hands INSIDE a Gatso (and Truvelos, and Specs, but.... I am boasting here!).... I'm the one who has been present as the 'film/data' were analysed.... who has READ the Specification for the machines and who has DATA FROM SOME MACHINES ON MY PC AT THE DAMNED MOMENT (not onto a Mac.... of course)..... Gatsos (original spec as used in the UK) use RADAR.... the SAME radar technology as the hand- held I use. I get hands on a Police laser next week for our own use.... and of course, it's ME that worked inside a 'Temporary Speed Camera' (white van with holes in!). I also have accompanied the police on speed duty enforcement and have attended the demonstrations of quite a FEW new speed systems.... both here and abroad.....
..... but of course, I bow to your superior knowledge of the inner workings of these things!
Can you remind me how YOU know about the details of the inner workings of Gatsos... etc... It seems to have slipped my memory....
..... what do you mean: 'sarcasm'....?
With respect....