First, you need to think about the concept of 'dicussion'.
The driver in my hypothetical example would NOT have driven differently if there had been people waiting at the bus stop for a simple reason..... it's not a REAL example.... I set it out as a way of thinking about a PROBLEM, not as a historical record of an event that ACTUALLY happened. I created this example as a way of 'illustrating' the problem as cleanly as I can.
I did NOT explain every 'fact' in the illustration; for exampl:, I also didn't describe the colour of the bus driver's tie... Why? Becasue those 'details' aren't needed to let us consider the problem.
However, if you insist..... the bus stop was round a blind corner so that the driver would be committed to his turn-in and braking points long before the bus stop came into view......
The point is that the driver was a CR*P driver on Monday AND Tuesday... and yet you seem to be supporting a system which means that the ONLY 'fact' which altered his likelihood of going to jail was the reliability of the bus driver's alarm clock! Does that seem a GOOD version of 'justice' to you....?
If you can't see how perverse that illustration is..... try another one.
THOUSANDS of drivers 'nod-off' while driving each year. 95% 'wake-up' in time to avoid an accident which leads to death or serious injury and get ZERO punishment for their APPALLING driving. One chap.... by pure CHANCE nodded-off near a railway bridge. By bad design, there was no Armco protection at that point even though it had already been acknowledged that there SHOULD have been and WOULD have been if the incident had occurred 6 months later.
The 'sleeping' driver fell off the road onto a train line and that derailed a train and killed some passengers. Had there been train strike, leaves on the line, the wrong type of snow, a set of Armco barriers, or any OTHER piece of 'good luck' then the driver, like all the OTHER drivers who nod-off, would not have received punishment..... however, all his 'luck' (and the 'luck' of those passengers) deserted him/them. The driver got 3 year's jail.....
Remember, the ONLY error he made was to nod-off.... just like ALL 1000 other drivers do each year. His breach of the law was IDENTICAL to that of all OTHER 'nodders-off'..... and yet they get ZERO punishment and HE gets 3 years.....
Does that suggest a SENSIBLE 'system' to you.....?
..... not if you think about the subject!