Absolutely spot-on, David....
This stuff is NOT rocket-science. Why is it SO hard to get people to understand it?
Personally, I'd stretch our views further. When it comes to 'fines' as a type of punsihment, I'd not set PRICES.... I'd set percentages of income.
A fine of �100 to a student might sting but, to a richer businessman, �100 is what he pays for a single meal. For the like of Top-line professional footballers (I have deleted they name of such a person that I originally wrote....), it's what they use to hoover white powder...... (I
I'd make it STING each offended on a scale of his income. A fine to the student of �100 to the student would be �1,000 to the businessman and �1,000,000 to Mr X footballer (those are VERY rough figures).
I want all three to walk away from the court going.... "Phew.... that STINGS!"