Newshound.... if you have categoric proof that the man killed was Bin Laden and he was the mastermind behind every terrorist atrocity you say then fair enough - you live by the sword, you die by the sword.
But you simply don't know what the truth is and neither do I. You are happy to believe the rubbish put out by the US govt, much of which has already been condraticted today, I am not.
Like the vast majority you have been brain washed, happy to believe everything that the media has fed you since 9/11. Wake up man!
As for the comment if I knew anyone affected by terrorism I would think different well where do you want me to start! England has been my home for over 30 years but I spent my early years in N Ireland when M McGuinness and Co where having their killing spree. I knew a guy who raced stock cars and every morning as I waited for my school bus he would come round this particular corner in his Ford Mexico, hit a bump on the inside and go on two wheels but control it beutifully. It put a smile on our faces and he was a good guy.
Unfortunately the IRA paid him a visit at a garage he had just started and as he held his hands in the air they shot him through the heart.
No one has ever been caught for it and no explanation ever given why he was killed.
But the point is I don't want David Cameron, based on "intelligence" to unilaterly decide who committed the crime and go and execute them. Not because I am a so called "do gooder" but because I want the right person to be brought to justice and held to account. I want to see and hear the evidence for myself.
As davidmc has said the process of justice is what makes us different to the deluded terrorists. The more we act like them the more they will want to attack us so ultimately it is self defeating.