All those of us who actually DO things for our communities know this already.
We also know that we will ONLY get heavy criticism from those who do S*D ALL FOR THEIR COMMUNITY.... who NEVER attend meetings, NEVER contibute and who don't even BOTHER to read the minutes of the meetings.
Those who don't DO.... think they sound clever by repeating what they read in joke papers....
Having said that..... I am pleased with that!
....because it leaves those of us who ARE willing to DO something to get ON with WE feel is needed.... the moaners will carry on without a CLUE.... because that is who they ARE!
It's then down to US whether we behave decently or not because the moaners don't have a HOPE of knowing what we do.... becasue they can't be bothered.
What made me laugh was the way they thought that the MP's expenses were a SIGNIFICANT sum....... if they bothered to read or attend ANYTHING.... they's know that the 'losses' on the expenses were 1 THOUSANDTH of the money they SHOULD be noticing.
Anyway, I'd still prefer they moaned as often as possible. We know those who moan won't DO anything and thus we can IGNORE them and deal with the REAL dangers..... those who actually turn-UP!
Please keep shouting, you moaners...... we then can tell whom to I*G*N*O*R*E!
Personally, I don't trust the bloke who spent his OWN time this weekend erecting No Dog signs, fixing the Tennis Court gates, mowing the village 'green', arranging a Tennis championship and the Village show. In the evening, he spent 2 hours researching a PA system for the village hall and painted the kitchen of the village hall , too..... That' bloke is a complete IDIOT and I wouldn't have voted for that B*ST*RD had I known he was going to do those things.... Oh, and he's sneakily at two separate village meetings this evening and had key's cut for the village store, AND paid out of his OWN pocket �200 for the 'no dog' signs! Clearly, he can't be trusted.......... Oh.... I forgot the the Police meeting on Friday about speeding.....
You have to laugh..... don't you!