Alfie: you simply don't understand marriage, its history, its purpose or its success rate.
I won't bother correcting you on the rest but....put simply.... 2 out of 3 marriages (in the UK) WORK.... it's only ONE in 3 which fail.... mainly because the participants didn't understand the commitment into which they'd CONTRACTED!
Oh.... and, currently, (the last few years) the divorce rate is actually DROPPING!
Like anything else worthwhile, you have to W*O*R*K at it.... it does NOT come 'gift-wrapped' nor 'effort-free'. Trust me: if you can't be bothered to work at it..... it IS going to fail! And that'll be your loss! I've had MUCH more 'out' of being married than I have had to put 'IN' to it! That's MY sort of 'investment'!