The limit is, by definition, in the 'head' of the officer of the council who decides, at that exact moment, if we have breached it. It's not laid down in numbers or values which would be ludicrous anyway as the loudness would depend on the pitch (frequency) of the note. The officer simply 'knows what's illegal' and informs the offender when he decides....
We have already had equipment fitted to the building which turns of ALL the power to the building if the noiuse level exceeds the amount for 3 seconds. That euqipment was set when the previous 'noise officer' was in-post. However, he is FULLY aloowed to change his mind as to what breaches the limit at ANY time. We have been warned alrday that we are near the intoleravle limit. However, our nose limiter recently cut in when a local ballroom dance club triggered the system JUST from doing the Cha Cha WITHOUT MUSIC PLAYING! The 'noise' of the shoes hiiting the floor triggered it! That's how low it's set!
I have had SO much advice over this but the best I can do is explain that the officer is the one for my county and he has ALREADY issued notices to 'close' the county council's OWN TOWN HALL for breach of noise limits....
However, the INSANITY of a specific officer is not the issue.... the insanity of the law on this one IS the issue. How can it POSSBILY be fair or reasonable to rate newly moved-in neighbours' rights to silence against the whole village's right to CONTINUE to use the hall for the purpose it was built OVER 400 YEARS AGO????!
This law is BIZARRE!