Again you seem to forget that, as a young man, I was a Renault dealer, Citroen dealer, British Leyland dealer AND finally, a Lotus Dealer. Strictly, I was a director in my father's garage businesses and THAT's how I can honourably claim those things.
I, therefore, have supported Renault for LONGER than I have supported Lotus.... even as a CHILD! Surely, you KNEW that already! Every car that I owned as a young man that WASN'T a Lotus was a Renault, if you remember correctly.
Lotus have been the 'tarts' of the car business for YEARS! We have had unhealthy relationships with Ford, Chrysler, Vauxhall, Isuzu, BUGATTI, Toyota and Proton and THAT is just the openly admitted ones! You could thus argue that Lotus has NEVER existed on its own and thus the (too close) relationship with Proton is just another 'client' along the way....
Lotus freaks don't care.... at least, we never sold out to F*I*A*T unlike a certain heavily prostituted company! Nor to Merc... like another!
It's actually called a LOTUS but... I recognise how much of the Renault is still in there and that's WHY I called it the Lotus/Renault!
It's odd that can't remember YOU calling the Brawn, the Brawn/Honda or the latest Merc as a Honda/Brawn/Merc....... How strange.....!
Still, it's one rule for all the rest and another for Lotus....