Ergh, I can usually at least see where your coming from on most issues Ian, but on this one I really do believe you are just wrong. (as does everyone else by the looks of it)
Lets look at the facts -
.The TT riders are all Adults. .They know the risks involved with the TT. .Human beings have a variety of different levels of thrill seeking. Some get thrills from putting out the washing(thats probably you Ian), whereas some have to go further and further to produce the same adrenaline. These people WILL find their fix of adrenalin whatever it takes, we all do. .The TT riders are not harming anyone, however there is a risk to themselves whilst competing. .The spectators are there to watch these thrillseekers as bike lovers and speed fanatics. They are NOT interested in seeing a rider be injured or killed (completely different to gladiator spectators who I imagine watched to satisfy blood lust!) .The riders are not trying to kill each other (unlike gladiators who were fighting each other.) There is a strong camaraderie between competitors. If one is killed, it is down to mechanical failure or rider error (in other words, an ACCIDENT. Not like gladiators) .We are all responsible for weighing up the risks of activites we face on a daily basis, and deciding whether the activity is worth the risk. This is no different to the TT riders, and no other person should make that decision other than them. As much as you think you are better than bike riders, you are not and you do not have the right to make decisions for them, they are not kids. .You said - 'My objection, as I have stated from the start, is that this lethal race it is 'sold' as a spectator sport.... !' - Well I've looked on the TT official website and can see no sign of the word 'sport'. It is a yearly one off event, and a dangerous one at that. No one is forcing spectators to be there, and I have no doubt if you asked the riders if they would continue to race if there were no spectators, they would say YES. It is no different to people climbing everest (or K2) or any other dangerous event.
And FINALLY, I will re quote the same quote i've now used twice Ian (and will re quote it in any response on this subject) -
'The reason I do it is because if you get it wrong, it'll kill you. If you think it's too dangerous then go home and cut your grass and leave us to it.'