I will always be the first to say I got REALLY lucky! Thirteen of us all set up (separate) Estate Agencies at the same time . I was the ONLY one of that 13 who wasn't declared bankrupt during the last HUGE recession! My 'salvation' was pure good luck!
However, 6 of those guys are now MUCH richer than me..., 3 more are about even. They got up, dusted themselves off... and started over again!
I need to explain something about 'luck' to you. Some people get lucky by winning the lottery or something like that. Others get lucky by being in the right place at the right time.... BUT.... that's not enough... they have to SEE the opportunity and they have to GRAB it and they have to WORK it. Luck is not ENOUGH on its own without a lottery win! You do NEED the luck..... but you have to USE it when you SEE it!
Investing in property doesn't NEED to be 'lucky'. It's that rare case where, you can see a band-wagon going past and STILL have time to jump on it! It's not MAGIC, it's not a crystal ball: it's watching the market!
Finally, I'll give you a crude clue about housing investment. When the market takes an up-turn (which it will, eventually) watch for the moment the banks/building-societies start giving 110% mortgages again.... That's the point when the warning signs should FLASH! You may still have a year or even two.... but.... you can be CERTAIN that a crash IS coming soon! If it's an investment.... get OUT.... if it's your home, make sure that you are as FRUGAL as you can be..... and batton down the hatches because 110% mortgages show that a crash IS coming!
Of course, I could be wrong.... but the REASON I was nearly bankrupt was BECAUSE I didn't react quickly enough when 110% mortages appeared, AGAIN! Treat them like dark clouds rolling in on a sunny day.... there's a storm coming and, if you are still out playing, you are going to 'take a bath'!!
But.... you won't listen or believe me..... I don't care if you don't, Paul!
Again, I've tried to GIVE you my honest advice. I don't like you but.... I do try to help, regardless.