Guys, guys, guys, you are all freaking out over nothing. I keep reading how everything is going to pot and everytime i visit nothing has changed. But i'll tell you some other countries funny stories;
The well talked about sequester in US budgets, where they uncermoniously cut $90bil from the public budget to try and force them to come to some kind of long term deal (which they didn't). So potentially 1000's of public sector workers aren't working, you think they'd kick into action right. They did on one topic, the FAA, because it would lead to flight delays. They so hastily drew up a bill that some of it was hand written, why you ask, because congress was closing that day and they all had to catch flights home.
Next story, Vancouver is in Canada, a country with two official languages (English and French) except in Richmond (an area of Vancouver) where a local tried to get signs put up in english when they were in Mandarin, he lost. As you can imagine they have a majority mandarin speakers, food is awesome though, just can't tell what i'm ordering.
Seriously though, if you don't like where things are heading get out. I didn't get out because i didn't like the state of politics, i left because of work opportunities. And incidentally I had no cash to do it with. The world is getting smaller every day, companies will pay a small gold mine to get skilled workers.