Clearly, Chris, you are a man who likes a gamble ..... May I suggest that you join a club's organisers so that YOUR finances are on the line if they lose in the inevitable battle that WILL occur at one track or another when this issue comes to the fore.
The courts will decide and you will be pretty confident that they CAN'T find against you so you won't be worried at all by the risk that, if you are WRONG, it's YOUR house that gets sold to pay for the damages.
Those of us who have done battle with the courts and insurance companies will tell you EXACTLY how insurance companies behave.
Just a quick example. My garden was blown down in a storm. The repair cost was �17,000. The assessor came, judged that the wall was 'hit by a lorry' and was NOT storm damage (with ZERO evidence, mind you).
Some months later, the insurance co. called me (oh.... and after LONG experience with them..... I RECORD all such calls) to say that I WASN'T covered as it was definitely 'hit by a lorry'. I showed them the EXACT place in the policy which states that I WAS covered for vehicle damage! Within 10 seconds, she said..... 'well you AREN'T covered because you have no evidence that a lorry hit it' ..... to which I replied.... 'I have every BIT of evidence that I need from the recording of this call when you stated that I was NOT covered B*E*C*A*U*S*E it was 'hit by a lorry''.
She then said..... 'I don't know why you are taking this personally......'!!!!!! Need I go on?
Insurance companies are TOTAL SH*TS and will try ANY trick to evade payment. I also know this because my father-in-law was company secretary of Phoenix Insurance and he TOLD me that's what they do!
I may be wrong and you may be right. Are YOU willing to bet your house on that?