That's not correct. Nurburgring was 'stopped' PARTLY because of the F1 drivers complaining as it was part of a championship..... but that's NOT the case for most of the other classes of racing that were also 'banned' then and at later dates. Yes, some racing does still occur there..... but VASTLY reduced numbers and they have a VAST:Y lower death rate than the TT. And that was with quite a low number of F1 deaths at the track. The only two F1 drivers that I can recall were Peter Colins and Godin de Beaufort..... and I'm not sure about those.
....... I've just looked it up on Wiki. I was right about the F1 deaths. The TOTAL number of deaths since 1928 is 68. That's less than 1 per year...... and that's with the circuit being used 52 weeks of the year..... not just 2 weeks in June, like the TT!
Even if you were correct about Nurburgring (and I think you are not) that answer would not apply to the other listed tracks! Nor other classes of racing.
Fishermen.......? Over 13,000 fishermen work registered in Britain..... and they work 52 weeks a year AND 24 hours per day. Are you REALLY trying to compare that to deaths at the TT races which last, totally, (let's guess) 2 hours per day for 14 days of the year.....????? You do the maths!
NO..... I am NOT asking to ban motorcycling racing..... just at THAT 'track' and THAT race! Banning Nurburgring did NOT ban F1, which would be the correct comparison! The motorcycling boys can race at HUNDREDS of other locations!
And, I note you have NOT answered the key question! Would YOU race at the TKM festival if IT killed 2 drivers per year? Would YOU support the TKM festival even if you DIDN'T race at it if there were 2 deaths per year? The festival is NOT an exact comparison but it's not too far off to be compared.