Ok..... Exercise your thought processes for me......
As a society, we decided that, after a few deaths, Old Nurburgring was unsafe for F1. In reality, the change came because of Lauda's serious injury, not a death. Under a year ago, a driver died at Nurburgring and there are serious discussions whether racing can be allowed there anymore (for that class at least).
Ayrton and Roland's deaths changed F1 and now it's amazingly safe.
Clearly,society thinks the life of an F1 driver MATTERS enough to make changes that make a REAL and effective difference. I suspect (but can't prove) that the watching public (spectators) drive the rule makers to change the rules to keep F1 drivers alive.
Now....... For the last ONE HUNDRED years, the TT has killed TWO RIDERS (on average) every F***ING YEAR!!! No substantial improvements have been made to the safety of the riders that has resulted in substantially less deaths in all those years. Do the maths for yourself....
The usual mindless argument given is that the riders know the risks and should be allowed to chose. The F1 drivers ALSO knew the risks and could have chosen.... But people who care decided that it was'nt worth the deaths no matter what the drivers thought.
To persuade me, all you have to do is explain either of two questions satisfactorily and then a final question.
1) why are the lives of bikers so spectacularly unimportant compared to F1 drivers that society couldn't give a f*** how many of them die?
2) why do F1 supporters care about their drivers more than TT supporters to the point wher such supporters couldn't give a f*** that 2 die every?
That final question would be..... Why the F*** should society give one thought about the pleasures of the sort of spectators who care so little about other's lives?
Please don't waste my time answering other questions, the answers to those will do.....
My view is simple, makes the race (substantially) safer or ban it. I would prefer that two drivers remained alive a further year than about the sick sort of supporters who don' t give a damn.... Or may even find the likelihood of two deaths a year rather...... Exciting...
That's not too complicated, is it?
An angry ian