Don't forget.... the 'expenses' argument was a FRAUD on behalf of the newspapers.
Why? Because... WAY back when (Labour) Michael Foot was an MP....., the MPs needed a raise but the Govt. knew that the Dynamaxes of this world would HOWL about the pay rise. Footy suggested that they didn't have to show the rise to the public if they gave it in expenses. The MPs were TOLD to charge highly for expenses to top up their JOKE salary.
The sort of 'expenses' fiddles were, in reality, LOOSE CHANGE, especially as they were INSTRUCTED to do it!
Just look at any other country's 'expenses' scandals to see how it CAN be done and IS done by everyone except the British MPs. All I should need to say is:-
Eduard Olmerts George Pompidou Bertie Ahearn....
.... or Lee Wan-Koo......
.... to illustrate the point. These guys were GOOD at fraud, fraudulent expenses claims and bribes!
Our politicians are of SUCH low 'quality' that can't even make a decent job of taking bribes or fiddling expenses!
Let's pay some decent crooks...... not this bunch of 'county council clerks'!