This is getting silly.....
"Their being an island allows them to police their seas to stop the "boat people"."...... How doesn't that apply to us as well?
"We don't often have boats trying to make it to shore." You are KIDDING..... look at this interactive map of the number of boats in JUST the channel at this moment.
Do you think the Aussies have QUITE that many in such a small space of water?????
Are you saying that we don't have as many illegal migrant boat? The 2 reasons for that are:-
1) because we have an easier method to get into the UK than the Vietnamese Boat people (for example) do. They MUST take a boat: all our Calais based migrants needed to do is to catch the (damned) train!
2) Even the French have a better legal/Police system than the Vietnamese for STOPPING people taking a boat overloaded with hundreds of migrants!
The reality is that you don't like the Aussie solution and you are trying, quite desperately, to find an excuse why it wouldn't work for us.
The passport would be brilliant to stop illegal migrants...... if it was checked properly at the borders. What the 'Tesco' ID card is 'makes' a person carry a similar 'passport to be here' card. At present, I do not need to present my passport when going to the Doctors, sending my children to school, buying or renting a house, etc., etc.. Under 'my' scheme, we would need to. Those who don't have the Card could prove their identity by other means but at a slower rate. How similar is that to our current situation?
Catch and release? That's what we do at the moment. Far too often, illegals are caught and then put on self recognizance to appear at a Police station/Court House on XYZ date. The ones who are here legally, turn up, the illegal ones.... DON'T!
We catch them when they try to use any of the 'services' for which the ID card is required. You are still suggesting some weird 'space time continuum' where illegal immigrants disappear from the system! If they are not taking a job, using the NHS, having housing, etc., etc., then they are not much of a problem. However, if the turn to crime for an income, then they will need their ID card in the Police station.......
What other countries do with their illegal migrants is not my concern. I want to stop ALL of it into OUR country, not least because of how unfair it is to those attempting to get LEGAL entry into the UK and/or how many are DYING while trying!. As I said before, (almost) no other country in Europe has such a high 'population density) (too many people in too small a space) as the UK. On that basis, other EU countries MAY have room for illegals: we don't!