Well, at least you've attempted to use at least one fact in this post; that's a first.
To address your point (using your own source as a reference), firstly, it doesn't claim that they cannot seek asylum. Secondly, it only applies when "s/he will be re-admitted to that country." I can't see Lebanon accepting more when they have already hosted 1.5m. I can't see Italy or Greece hosting more when they're already taking the majority of the "boat people". And I can't see France taking more when they're already "hosting" them in Calais and when they're already taking more than we are. Thirdly:
"However, UNHCR notes that the causes of secondary movements are manifold and include, among other things, a lack of durable solutions, limited capacity to host refugees and a failure to provide effective protection in some third countries. Therefore, the assessment of whether a third country does constitute a first country of asylum requires a careful and individualised case-by-case examination"
Now onto your "question". We can all edit quotes to meet our own ends. The fact that you would quote (incomplete) statements out of context thinking it adds any weight to your argument would be laughable if it weren't so childish. Clearly, in the context of the debate, "live anywhere" means "in any country", but you know that.
Moreover, your dichotomy, posed as such, suggests the two options are some limit or no limit. However, this does not mean there are two end results. As stated, and as you refused to address, we have free movement of people within the EU and that hasn't resulted in all the poor coming here. I don't see why that wouldn't apply elsewhere. Further, all the evidence points toward this being good for the country; again, I'm happy to see evidence to the contrary. To maintain our standard of living requires keeping other's down (cheap labour, control of resources, etc etc).
Lastly, patriotism is outdated and overrated. Then again, you did say you were old and old fashioned.
The world is changing and isolationist thinking will no longer work.