--- "On each of my points, you have abandoned reason. I�ll illustrate:- Quote: �Not only would they not have to impinge on my personal possessions�. That would suggest giving room for up to 7bn people in this country would leave you, uniquely, unaffected. Laughable! Quote �....., they wouldn't want to either�. Give me one single piece of EVIDENCE that migrants would not want anything you possess if you gave it6 freely? Laughable!" ---
No immigrant who has ever moved here has ever asked or taken anything from me. They work and purchase their own. It is your claim that they would seek my home and possessions (modest though they are). Where is your evidence? And again, I've already stated that our wealth (in comparison with other countries) would drop.
--- "The rubbish you spout about EU free movement: when did I deny that the EU rules existed? You note that they have been in place since 1973: please tell me when the poorest countries in the EU joined the �free movement� rules? Please tell me when the rise in immigration for the EU started it�s HUGE upward sweep..... which you would have seen if you�d read the Torygraph article?" ---
I've already told you when the poorest countries joined the EU, 2004. Immigration rates did rise during that time, and fell back to pre-2004 levels by 2010. We are currently undergoing another temporary peak as Romanians and Bulgarians can now come here. That too will fall again. But again, your description of a "flood" of migrants is wrong and not borne out by the facts.
--- "Who cares if our immigration is the 38th highest? I am not playing �the league� here but if you insist, do it on an honest basis with the list in order of the increase in population density! We are NOT 38th, then!" ---
Again, I've already given you all the figures you need. We're nothing like the highest for immigration rates, nothing like the highest for population density, nothing like the highest for population growth rates. This doesn't very will fit the description of a "flood" of immigrants.
--- "I think this has run its course: you have stated that you would allow EVERYONE to move into the UK with ZERO restrictions. My view is that such an �open door� policy would be disastrous for all involved. We won�t get to agree on the differences as they are FAR too wide. I was happy to �negotiate� a large number of truly needy immigrants: you are not!" ---
I agree that this has run its course. My policy is that the free movement of people, as implemented within the EU, should, over time, be extended worldwide. In the meantime, I will continue to point out that the hysteria surrounding immigration is unwarranted and has no basis in fact.
And just to be clear, I have no issue with someone disagreeing with my policy. I don't think you're necessarily "selfish" just because you're happy to maintain your own standard of living off the cheap labour and resources of others. I don't expect it to be particularly popular either, but it is where the world is heading, whether you like it or not.